Click the links below to view important notices and to complete forms online.
NYCDOE Return to School 2020 Webpage
September – November Cohort Calendars
Emergency Contact Form – Please complete one form for each student at PS26Q
Arrival and Dismissal Exits – Students will use the same exit for arrival and for dismissal
Learning Preference – click here to sign your child up for FULL REMOTE learning – Students are automatically in the Blended Learning model.




It is essential that you take the actions below to ensure your child’s ipad is ready for use for return to school. The first day of school is only a few weeks away, and all students will be working remotely for at least a few days a week. Your child will need their ipad to be ready for learning for the fall. Please note that when we have other updates, we will send messages to you and your iPad on Thursdays, and we will let your schools know about the updates.
To prepare, you MUST 
Turn on the iPadSome iPads have not been turned on all summer. We need you to charge and power up the ipad.
Turn Airplane Mode On and OffThis will reset your internet connection
  1. Go to Settings
  2. Find the Airplane Mode button
  3. Turn Airplane Mode on for ten seconds (button turns green)
  4. Turn Airplane Mode off and wait until the ipad reconnects to the internet 
  5. You will see the connected icon at the top of the screen
  6. Go to to make sure your ipad is connected to the internet – all DOE-loaned ipads have internet access.
Sign into ZscalerTo ensure your child is using the internet with all the safety the DOE requires to protect your child. You will need to sign into the content filter application, Zscaler. Follow these directions, or see the instructions on our Zscaler page:
  1. Return to the main screen.
  2. Tap the Zscaler icon.
  3. Once Zscaler is open (you don’t need to sign in), wait for the “Service Status” to say “ON”.
  4. Close Zscaler.
  5. That is it. You can use the iPad normally now.
Sign into the Learn at Home AppTo get ready for the first day of school, make connecting to learning and support much easier for your child (and you, too!), and allow you to get notifications on the iPad:
  1. Find the Learn at Home icon on the main screen on the iPad
  2. Log in using your account (only use the student’s username and password, no need to include @nycstudents to log in)
  3. From the Learn at Home app your child can access TeachHub, Google Classroom and get help.
Good news! Your child’s iPad is Now a HotspotThat allows you to connect other devices used for remote learning to the internet. It is easy:
  1. Go to Settings
  2. Find Personal Hotspot and click to take you to the login screen
  3. Select Allow Others to Join
  4. Devices other students in your house are using for remote learning can be added to that connection
  5. As a reminder, as with the ipad itself, the hotspot connection is to be used only to access remote learning activities. Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
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